Tuesday 17 April 2018

Choosing a Location for a Flag Pole

Choosing a right location is extremely important for its longer life span. Various climatic conditions can cause threat to a flag pole. So, do check with all the condition before installing a pole. Selecting the right location for installing a pole is as important as selecting a right pole. Make a right choice considering factors like surrounding landscaping, local wind condition, and the location of nearby utility.

Choosing a right location

The high wind location includes industrial areas, open countryside, farms, building rooftops, highways, etc. Areas with low wind include walls, bridges, and residential areas. If your area has strong wind, it is advisable to go for a one-piece pole. Telescoping or sectional poles are also accepted in less wind areas.


Wind exposure is one of the major factors one should consider before installing a flag pole. These poles are designed to cover a maximum MPH wind rating which includes two numbers. The first number refers as the poles integrity with the hoisted flag, while the second one is without a flag. If you want to take down the flag during high winds or disturbed weather, you should focus on the first number. If your location has disturbed weather conditions, you should purchase a pole with a high wind resistance so that it can easily deal with these severe climatic changes.

Surrounding landscape

Check with the surrounding landscape before installing a flag pole. Poles should be installed away from buildings and trees. Due to heavy winds the poles might fall onto buildings, or the trees might fell down on the poles. Hence, do check with the right surrounding before installing.

Do check the area for pole installation whether it is directly beneath the phone lines, power line, or cable line. A buffer zone of 10 feet should be maintained. The foundation of the pole cannot be located below any underground lines like sewer and gas, which needs maintenance frequently. 

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