Tuesday 1 May 2018

Flag pole on top of the building

Installation of flag pole is indeed a challenging job. You need to be extra cautious with all the procedure. Installing a pole needs lot of knowledge about the same. Select the right pole with the right location and then begin with the process. Before you start installing you need to make a base, which has to be strong enough. Flag pole on top of the building can too be installed.

Foundation Base for Installing a Flag Pole

·         Dig the foundation as per the requirements and set sleeve into a hole in such a way that the top is above the tube. The flash collar will now hide the present metal above the concrete. This will prevent water from getting under collar. Now, plumb the sleeve in vertical direction. It is advisable to cover the top so that the concrete does not get inside. Do check the sleeve again as while installation processes it might have moved. For finishing, pour down the trowel and concrete.

·         Slowly lay the shaft on sand bags and remove all the wrappings from the upper and below side of shaft. Do leave wrappings on shaft for giving protection during the set. If you have a two or three piece pole, kindly assemble them together.

·         Truck a screw on top of pole by using pipe wrench to tighten it back. Now, slowly add silicone caulking to threads. Screw the ball stem on top of the truck till ball does not turn further. By using wrench, tighten the jam-nut on top of the truck. Thread the one side of the rope through the truck pulley. Tie them ends of rope together firmly.

·         With help of screw, mount the cleat to the shaft and tap hole of 5 inches that has to be above tar line. Gradually slip the collar on bottom side of shaft and for temporary basis tape it with wrapping.

·         Pick up shaft and rotate pole in such a way that cleats are faced on the right direction. Place wood wedges in between sleeve and pole to avoid pole from shifting.

·         Lower the caulk and flash collar that will serve as a water proofing foundation.
Attach flag snaps by forming a loop and pull the rope gently. 

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